The Problem.

As your business grows, you hire new
employees to handle simple administrative
work. These employees are often
overqualified and overpaid.

The Solution.

Pass auxiliary tasks to a 3rd party skilled team
trained to work hand-in-hand with yours.
You'll pay only for work completed, at a cost
that's equal to what those tasks are worth to
your bottom line.

First Mate mans the technical details that make your firm hum,
while you and your core team man the wheel.


No task too small. No project too complex. And always a call away.

Umar Saeed Project Management, Data, and Communications
Mike Gross Customer Service and Support
Asher Jenkins Accounting, Customer Service, and Organization
Jay Miller Project Management
Ali Shaw Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Office Organization
Soloman Moore Project Management

ready to start
when you are

Because our team specializes in single, task-specific areas of expertise,
they learn and adapt your unique needs, fast.